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Business Intelligence

Transform Data

Netwindy Business Team uses intelligence tools typically use the extract, transform, and load (ETL) method to aggregate structured and unstructured data from multiple sources.
Business Intelligence


Business intelligence reporting uses data visualizations to make findings easier to understand and share. Reporting includes interactive dashboards, charts, graphs, and maps that help users understand data flows.
Business Intelligence

Uncover Trends

Data mining, or data discovery typically uses automation to quickly analyze data to find patterns and outliers which provide insight into the current state of business. BI tools often feature several types of data modeling and analytics.
Business Intelligence

Take Action

Viewing current or historical data in context with business activities gives companies the ability to quickly move from insights to action. Business intelligence enables adjustments and long-term strategic changes.

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Access all your customer information in one place, so you can direct resources


Gain visibility into sales and marketing performance, consumer behavior


Improve operations using by automating routine analytics tasks, refining processes


Automate data and reporting to improve inventory management and fulfillment